Faculty Support & Resources

The Academic Skills Center (ASC) maintains many partnerships throughout the Schools in which faculty select stellar prospective peer tutors for ASC to provide tutorial support in courses across many disciplines. Visit the Weinstein Learning Center (WLC) website, to find a list of courses currently supported by Individual Tutoring. Please email peer-consultant (tutor) recommendations to Roger Mancastroppa.

The Center provides Course Mentoring and Review Sessions to support student learning and faculty pedagogy. Please find an overview of both programs below. Should faculty wish to select mentoring or review sessions, please email the following information to Roger Mancastroppa.

  • Faculty name
  • Course/Subject
  • Days of session/section
  • Time(s)
  • Tutor (if a new tutor is needed, please let us know)

Note: If faculty want course mentors or review session tutors to start by the second week of classes, completed requests must be received five weeks prior to the start of classes. 

Course Mentoring and Review Sessions Overview

Formats to consider based on the needs of the class and the instructor’s preference:

Review Sessions

  1. Students drop-in to meet with a tutor selected by you or your department.
    • Tutor is in the same location at the same time (typically in the evening) each week.
  2. The tutor answers questions or helps students with problems from any currently offered section of that course.
  3. Sessions run 90 minutes, with an additional 30 minutes paid to the tutor weekly to communicate with the faculty member and prepare for the week.
  4. The department provides classroom reservations for the semester.

Course Mentoring

  1. First Option: works the same as a review session, except it is for a specific class instead of any student from any section.
  2. Second Option: tutor(s) in the classroom, assisting students in conjunction with faculty members (up to 3 hours per week).
  3. Third Option: can be assigned to work with a specific class for individual tutoring.
    • This can be coupled with either of the previous options.