Academic Coaching
Getting more out of class time, organizing your tasks and assignments, and finding time to stay in touch with faculty, classmates, staff, family, and friends can be a lot to manage! Take charge of your academic success by exploring our resources, attending a workshop, or scheduling an individual coaching session. We look forward to working with you!
Individual Coaching Sessions
Receive personalized, research-based recommendations. Meet with a professional staff member to identify strategies that can help you learn more effectively and better manage your schedule. Free individual coaching sessions on academic skills development and time or stress management are available to all University of Richmond students. Visit the WLC Student Portal to make an appointment.
Find community while enhancing your academic and life skills. Staff members offer workshops on a variety of topics throughout the semester. Schedules and descriptions can be found on our Workshops page and in the WLC Student Portal. Pre-registration is welcome but not required.
Learning Resources
Discover some best practices to take care of your mind, body, and spirit. Check out our time and stress management pages for practical tips, or watch these short videos on time management, morning and evening routines, meditation, and developing motivation.
Gain a deeper understanding of your skills by taking the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI). This survey will assess your learning, study practices, and attitudes in categories such as time management, information processing, test strategies, and selecting main ideas.
Taking classes online? Remote Learning Preparations and Engagement in Remote Learning provide a myriad of tools that can facilitate your success in working in a virtual environment.